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Raising awareness of invisible disabilities at the Montpellier Creative Campus

semaine handicap CinéCréatis
  • thème Cinema
  • date 27.11.2024

Invisible Disabilities Awareness Week at the Montpellier Creative Campus

To mark International Disability Day, Montpellier Creative Campus is organising a week dedicated to raising awareness of invisible disabilities, from 2 to 6 December 2024. The aim of this initiative is to inform and educate our students and teams about these often little-known realities, through a rich and varied programme. Participants will be able to attend inspiring conferences, captivating screenings and interactive workshops, all in a caring and inclusive atmosphere.

Zoom on the programme at the Montpellier Creative Campus

The week will begin with a digital suggestion box to gather inclusive proposals. Next, the“Mauvais Cancres” association will be running a stand to raise awareness of neurodevelopmental disorders, using immersive simulation tools. Highlights will also include talks by committed personalities: Christopher Boyd will share his experience of dyslexia on Wednesday, while the‘Dyspraxique mais Fantastique‘ association will discuss the adaptation of IT tools on Thursday. Each day will be enhanced by film and documentary screenings, highlighting the creativity and diversity of the participants’ backgrounds. It’s a unique opportunity to discover, exchange ideas and work together to promote greater inclusion on the Montpellier campus!