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1st year photography contest

  • thème School News
  • date 02.06.2020

It is often under restrictions that creativity flourishes, even blossoms to become an asset against all odds…

When lockdown rhymes with creativity…

There are many examples from artists and artistic groups expressing their creativity under lockdown, if only at CinéCréatis with School Must Go On keeping alive the connection with our students in the “Fake Sound Challenge” or “My lockdown Set up”.

Photo shoot

Following Head of CinéCréatis Lyon Joseph Barbereau’s request, the 1st year cinema students set off for a photo shoot during lockdown.

On top of the lockdown restrictions, the one rule was to only use their smartphone, no professional equipment.
The educational aim was to get them to see what you can achieve with just a phone and applications for manual mode shots.

If proving that creativity blossoms under restrictions was still necessary, here is a beautiful example: see the selected photographs.

Congratulations and thanks to the students who took part in the exercise: Adrien CAPSIE, Alexandre VERSTUYFT, Alizée CHARLEVILLE, Désidéria INTHAVONG, Kelien RICHARD, Lisa MORETTI, Louis PERROT, Marine COURDIOUX, Mathilde RICHIDE, Mathis JOUVE, Mathis LUNOT, Oksana BROSSARD and Vincent VIEL.