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  • thème School News
  • date 08.07.2020

Haikus are meant to convey a short idea on a topic through the senses and putting the emphasis on emotions.

Hélène Blanpain used this definition to assign her 1st year students under lockdown to make a video haiku.

Hélène Blanpain, editing teacher, asked her 1st year students during lockdown to make a short film with the following rules:

  • Maximum length of 30 seconds
  • 6 shots max.
  • Using public domain images, video, and music databanks.

Once the rendering was over, each student had a chance to watch and assess the other students’.

Here is the list of the short films and their director:

  • “Dévore” by Thomas BONNIN (Devour)
  • “Folie en quarantaine” by Maxime VEIGNEAU (Madness in quarantin)
  • “Âmes esseulées” by Paul TOUBOULIC (Lonely souls)
  • “Dissidence sentimentale” by Charlotte DAVY (Sentimental dissent)
  • “Confinement” by Quentin VINCENTE (Lockdown)
  • “Ère grise” by Léonore MALENFANT (Grey era)
  • “Le crépuscule du soir” by Aurélien COSTES (Dusk in the evening)
  • “Le départ” by Jean-Marie BOUIN (The departure)
  • “L’envol” by Claire MAZELLE (The takeoff)

Make a video haiku

Exercise brief

Haikus are meant to convey a short idea on a topic through the senses and putting the emphasis on emotions.

The question students had to answer in a visual manner was: “How to translate a feeling into a plastic production?”

Rules and restrictions of the exercise

The students had to respect the following restrictions:

  • Direct a visual Haiku, putting a sensation, a feeling, an emotion into images
  • Several options for images: shoot your own material respecting the usual technical and aesthetic criteria and/or collect good quality shots free and available on royalty-free images, video, and music databanks.
  • Possibility to use titles or voice over to reinforce the message across
  • Use of public domain music and sounds (credits)
  • Give the visual haiku a title highlighting the director’s intent

What is a Haiku?

A haiku (俳句 aï-kou) is a short poem. It is a format developed by Japanese poets. They are often inspired by nature, a beautiful moment, or a powerful experience.

Haikus express a sensation, like a snapshot translating an emotion, a fleeting feeling: they are meant to convey a short idea on a topic through the senses and putting the emphasis on emotions.

“A haiku is simply what is happening now and here.” Bashô (1644-1694)
“In the haiku the instant is written” Roland Barthes