Audiovisual Director Level 6 RNCP title
- thème School News
- date 02.06.2020
The CinéCréatis Audio-visual Director course is State certified.
Update: Decree 2019-14 of the 8th January 2019 defines eight new qualification levels in professional certifications.
Therefore, our course which use to deliver a Level 2 RNCP title is now a Level 6 RNCP title (still equivalent to a bachelor’s degree)
The Audio-visual Director degree is State certified
CinéCréatis offers to secondary school graduates a 3 years course to become an Audio-visual Director, certified by the State since 2012. The degree for Audio-visual Director delivers a Level 6 RNCP title which is equivalent to a bachelor’s degree.
RNCP (National Register for Professional Certifications)
The RNCP title indicates if a course is certified by the State and consistent with the employment market. It allows private people and companies to stay up to date on degrees and professional qualifications. This title facilitates employment, HR management and professional mobility.
RNCP title is a quality trademark
Every private or public establishment for higher or further vocational education can request to be listed in the national register for professional certifications.
However, to obtain the RNCP title the course must demonstrate a certain number of abilities to receive a certificate. The titles and degrees from the Education Nationale are de facto listed on the Répertoire National des Certifications Professionnelles (National Register for Professional Certifications) after consultation of the committee. Once the certificate is awarded, it is acknowledged over the whole country.
Information available online
You can visit the website for the CNCP (Professional Certification National Commission) to learn everything related to our title. You can find a description of the certifications like the projected activities, the sector, the skills acquired, the means to obtain them and the equivalent degree level.
Update on the 02/06/2020: Decree 2019-14 of 8th January 2019 defined eight new qualification levels for professional certifications. Our course which used to deliver a Level 2 RNCP title is now a Level 6 RNCP title (still equivalent to bachelor’s degree)
Professional certification: Level 6 RNCP TITLE Audio-visual Director
New classification of professional certifications, decree 2019-14 of 8th January 2019:
- Level 1= command of basic knowledge,
- Level 2= ability to perform simple activities and solve common issues using rules and tools requiring professional know-how in a structured context,
- Level 3= equivalent to a BEP/CAP (vocational secondary school degree)
- Level 4= equivalent Baccalauréat (high-school graduate)
- Level 5 = equivalent 2 years of higher education
- Level 6= equivalent bachelor’s degree, Level obtained at the end of our course
- Level 7 = equivalent to a master’s degree
- Level 8 = equivalent to a PhD
The former qualification system before decree 2019-14 of 8th January 2019 associated an education stage with a level of skills and responsibilities:
- Level I: Post-graduate level of training equivalent to a master’s degree or a PhD
- Level II: Graduate level equivalent to a bachelor’s degree
- Level III: Graduate diploma equivalent to 2 years of higher education
- Level IV: Vocational training diploma equivalent to a secondary school diploma
- Level V: Vocational training diploma equivalent to a vocational school diploma
France Compétences
This is the national authority for funding and regulations for vocational training and apprenticeship.
The objectives
Facilitate equal access to vocational training and apprenticeship to all the active population. France Compétences has 3 missions to improve the system’s efficiency and promote the development of skills.
- Fund the vocational training and apprenticeship system in an optimal and sustainable manner.
- Regulate the market to identify needs for skills and facilitate the evolution of economic and education models.
- Improve the performance, transparency, and synergy of the stakeholders in the vocational training and apprenticeship system.
Learn more about France Compétences