- thème School News
- date 13.08.2020
This summer (just like the previous one) and despite the exceptional circumstances (COVID19), CinéCréatis students and their short films were celebrated and rewarded all over the world!
Following last month’s (plentiful) festival nominations, once more our students’ films were selected and sometimes rewarded!
Discover without further ado the August selections:
- Villanueva Showing Festival
- Longless Film Festival
- Nancy International Film Festival
- YVE International Youth Film Festival
- Cine Pequeño International Festival
- XI Festival de Cine: Infancia y Adolescencia
- Venice Shorts Film Awards
- FICBUEU Festival
Villanueva Showing Festival
Yet another award for Superbot at Villanueva Showing Festival 2020.
Sofía López Hernández, head of the festival, just confirmed the nomination of the short film Superbot for the 10th edition of the Villanueva Showing Film in the “filmmaker” category. It placed 3rd and received a prize of $500.
Congratulations to the directors!
31st International Short Film Festival of São Paulo
We are delighted to announce the selection of SUPERBOT amongst the 2368 films submitted in the “children/teens” category for the 31st edition of the International Short Film Festival of São Paulo.
This year, due to COVID-19, the festival will happen online at the official dates (20-30 AUG).
About the festival
The International Short Film Festival of São Paulo is one of the largest events dedicated to short films in the world. Set in São Paulo since 1990, it became a feature of the city’s cultural agenda for its broad and varied program with free projections in several theatres and culture centres across town.
The main event is focusing on International, South American and Brazilian films programs. Specific programs are put in place each year based on the films showed at the festival and suggestions from the visiting curators from larger festivals in Brazil and the world.
According to the organisers, this edition is very special due to the pandemic but for the first time ever, the festival will reach out to people outside the boundaries of São Paulo, all over Brazil, thanks to a unique virtual theatre.
Adapting to this new normal, the Festival redesigned the program and will present a smaller yet stronger selection.
Good luck to the film Superbot by Pierre-André Fontaine, Rémy Leroy and Emmanuel Pierrat!
Longless Film Festival
A nomination for the Nantes short film “Terre ferme” at the Longless Film Festival, a short film competition for directors and videographers between the age of 17 and 35.
This event is organised by the Local Youth Plan (Aeris Cooperativa Sociale) of the Monza and Brianza region in Italy and will take place over 2 days on 11th and 12th of September 2020.
Congratulations to the team “Terre Ferme”!
Nancy International Film Festival
We are delighted to announce the selection of the film Superbot by Emmanuel Pierrat, Pierre-André Fontaine and Rémy Leroy in the “young audience” category for the Nancy International Film Festival.
About the festival
With an average of over 10,000 visitors every late summer with about 3 to 4000 spectators on site, the Nancy International Film Festival – formely “Aye Aye Film Festival” then “Nancy-Lorraine International Film Festival” – is a renown cinematographic event in Nancy.
Along the years, the festival became more important and professional yet stayed true to its original values: offer in the late summer a different cinema experience focusing on quality, originality, discovery, conviviality and sharing.
For 23 years, the festival’s team thrive to offer to the people of Nancy and the Grand Est region a local and international cinema, in original version, beyond borders and prejudices. Concerned with the issue of Human rights, the Nancy International Film Festival makes a statement and offers a cinematographic curation on promoting diversity, always favouring quality, with socially aware films, funny, moving, surprising and sometimes unsettling.
Every year, the festival sets up in various locations over the Duchy of Lorraine’s capital city: the Cour de la Manufacture, Cinema and Audio-visual European Institute, the Centre Image Lorraine, The Grand Nancy regional Conservatoire and the Théâtre de la Manufacture.
The festival will take place in Nancy from 28th August to 6th September 2020.
YVE International Youth Film Festival
Not one but 3 short films from CinéCréatis made the list for the YVE Film Festival taking place in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, on the East coast of China:
- “Un Brin d’Existence“,
- “Un Commerce Comme Un Autre“,
- and “Superbot“
About the festival
YVE International Film Festival is an YVE Culture & Arts Communication Ltd event dedicated to helping and giving a voice to the new generation of filmmakers. The aim of this event is to give young filmmakers a chance to fulfil their dreams. The festival is a strong believer in “ART FOR ALL.”
YVE Culture & Art Communication Ltd. Is a booming company started by a group of Chinese students overseas in 2017. Their core business includes organising flash exhibitions and film festivals, production for film and television, art and cultural events management and developing apps for art ticketing.
YVE has received acknowledgment and support from across the board since its creation 3 years ago, especially with a strong support from cultural and creative companies as well as private patrons in Suzhou, Hangzhou, Shanghai and elsewhere.
Cine Pequeño International Festival
Another nomination for Superbot at the Cine Pequeño International Festival for its 7th edition from 17th to 21st August 2020. It will take place outdoors with adequate health and safety measures.
The Cine Pequeño International Festival taking place in South-East Spain Alicante, will still present the usual categories as previously. This includes the official selection, the works from the Valencian community category and the local category.
Besides, during this 7th edition, you will find new features like the new category “Short Film for Equality”, thanks to the collaboration of the Counsellor for Equality and a short film scenario contest.
Good luck to the film Superbot!
XI Festival de Cine: Infancia y Adolescencia
Superbot and Moustaco were selected to take part in the XI Film Festival: childhood and adolescence -2020 which will take place (online as well) from 5th to 12th September.
About the festival
Since 2010, the festival usually taking place in Bogotá, Colombia, develops projects with a cultural, educating and social purpose through cinema and offer experiences to better the quality of life for children, teenagers and young people of Colombia.
The children and teenagers will have access to an audio-visual program featuring national and international animated and fiction short films, as well as a TV series category.
This festival is a celebration providing freedom of movement and audio-visual education for children, teenagers, and young people. This year the online event will offer digital exhibitions, workshops, masterclasses, talks and specialised virtual course, all organised by national and international experts in audio-visual industries.
Venice Shorts Film Awards
Congratulations to the team for the film Terre Ferme on their awards at the Venice Shorts Film Awards festival which took place on Venice Beach in Los Angeles:
- Best International Drama
- Best child actor for actor Noé Cheron!
About the festival
Venice used to be the epicentre of Hollywood. If the scene from a film looks familiar, it was probably shot along the Venice Beach promenade or the historical neighbourhood of “Venice Canals”.
The festival highlights and rewards American and international short films.
FICBUEU Festival
The short film Superbot was nominated for the FICBUEU festival in the “children” category.
About the festival
The Bueu International Short Film festival (Spain) was created in 2008 to promote the cinema culture in short format, to give access to local and international quality cinema to a wide audience.
This year, the festival will set up its 13th edition from 11th to 19th September with several projections at the Centro Social do Mar in Bueu (Pontevedra) in Spain with a wide array of side activities to enjoy.